
People, who needs People????

I recently had someone interview for a position at a restaurant I am consulting with. Question: How do you recognize good service? He filled in the ever so typical answer "I'm really good with people." He was narrow mouthed--couldn't get the words out of the narrow slit between his upper lip and lower lip. He kept darting his eyes, not really making eye contact, almost trying not to. And he slumped his shoulders. Really, what kind of impression could he have hoped to make? If an ad for a nearly mute, introverted sloth was placed, he would certainly nail the interview. 

When did people become so good with one another? If all those people who said they were good with people, then we would all be really good with one another, and not have any service complaints whatsoever. And I would be blogging about my dog--all 110 pounds of big lab love.

People are NOT good with people. I know, I know, you've read the previous posts and you're thinking 'here comes the cynical rant. He was so warm and positive.' Really, it's true. People are not good with people. Yes, some are. Some are VERY good. I have seen a concierge in a hotel turn on a dime, handle three or four requests in the amount of time it takes someone to stir sugar in a latte, and satisfy the most difficult of guests. And I have also seen a sales person in Macy's simply tell a woman, "I don't know, you have to go ask over there." 

Most people have trouble expressing themselves with others. And put someone into a position where they have to interact with others, and then have to answer a question--they usually pass the buck, ditch any notion of responsibility and reply, "you have to ask over there."

Mostly, I blame the company. Don't hire someone and put them into a position of "service" if they can't interact! Where was the interview? Did they check references? Did they train them? And if so, what made someone think that a mute, narrow mouthed eye averting slumpy shouldered individual would be a good customer service rep? 

Good service--from the floor sales folks at Macy's to the best waiters at your favorite restaurant, begins with good examples and good hiring. If you hire good people-this means raising your own standards, and it means tough choices--then you will reap the rewards of providing good service, and increased sales! 

People are only as good with the people that hire the right people. 

And that's the view from my table. 

-The General Manager

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, been to any other restaurants lately?